Jaffna Diocese of the Church of South India Uncategorized Children Ministry

Children Ministry

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To accompany all age groups from children to adults to develop personal faith and commitment to adapt biblical values to face growing challenges in the Indian Church and society.

Aims and Objectives

  • To develop life-enhancing personal skills in children on the basis of Biblical values and to equip them with self-affirmative leadership qualities.
  • To enable capacity building for Christian educators in various dioceses toward holistic Christian education and children-friendly churches.
  • To publish Christian Education material addressing contemporary challenges that children face in church and society towards developing children-friendly churches and societies.
  • To publish bible study materials for the children/adults to reflect upon contextual understandings.
  • To enrich problem-solving skills among children/women/adults amongst their vulnerability.
  • To equip the Christian educators of all categories to interrogate the children’s environment for religious learning, respecting children from other faiths and socialisation.
  • To upgrade the Christian education of the Churches for the subaltern theological / Christian perspectives through awareness programs, training and workshops.

Programs and Activities

  • Training, Children, parents, and Christian educators for enhancing Children-friendly churches.
  • Christian Educators’ Training programs (Trainers of Trainees (ToTs) for Missional Congregations.
  • Publishing New Curriculum for Children-friendly Christian Education that can be used in Sunday Schools and Vacation Bible Schools.
  • Peter Cater Scripture Knowledge Examination.
  • Children’s camps and retreats in regional languages.
  • Motivational workshops.
  • Seminars and webinars on contextual issues challenge the witness of the Church.
  • Conducting contests to develop aptitudes and leadership qualities.
  • Programmes that promote future leaders for the Church and Society.

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