Jaffna Diocese of the Church of South India Uncategorized Women Empowerment

Women Empowerment

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The Fellowship aims to unite the women of the Church and equip them for Christian witness and make them part of all the Church’s programmes. The Women’s Fellowship has been one of the effective bodies of the Church of South India which works towards a meaningful ministry among the needy and poor, oppressed and marginalized women and children. As a body of women, we are ‘called to serve’ by promoting unity, fellowship, and justice. We are also called to equip and empower women to become effective leaders in their families, church and society.


‘Arise and Shine is the Motto of the Women’s Fellowship.

Aims and Objectives

  • To unite members in prayer, service and witness and help them to grow in deeper spiritual life.
  • To help to uphold the sanctity of Christian marriage and family life and help mothers in the Christian nurture of children.
  • To train women, young and old for participation and leadership in the church and community. 
  • To encourage and provide opportunities for younger women to take an active part in all the programmes of the Church.
  • To serve the underprivileged by creating awareness about their rights and privileges and help them to seek justice at all levels. 

Programmes and Activities

  • The following are some of the activities the Women’s Fellowship units are involved in at the grassroots level
  • Family Counselling.
  • Addressing the social issues.
  • Care of the elderly people and the orphan children. 
  • Developing leadership to be one of the parts of the church.
  • To develop the communities of men and women.
  • Pre-school programme.
  • Empowerment of young women to become economically independent. 
  • Poor women upliftment programme.
  • Re-reading and understanding the Bible from a women’s perspective.
  • Caring for the sick and the disabled.
  • Fellowship of the Least Coin and World Day of Prayer.
  • Ecological Concern.
  • Prison Ministry.
  • Care & Counselling for HIV/AIDS People and their families.
  • Issue-Based Bible Study, Leadership Training for rural pastors’ Wives, Bible Women, Women Missionaries and Missionaries Wives.
  • Food for All Campaign – “Handful of Rice Movement” Eradicating Hunger-role of women in Church Facilitating collective local responses.
  • The Women’s Fellowship “Food For All” Campaign
  • In this campaign to combat poverty and hunger. The CSI Women’s Fellowship will renew the practice of setting apart a “Handful of Rice” for the poor while cooking. The rice collected this way will be used locally for combating hunger.

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